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Weight Loss Clinic

Welcome to the New Weight Loss Clinic at Scottsdale Endocrinology!!
We’ve decided to team up with the Internationally Renowned Isagenix Corporation to provide our patients the simplest, most nutritious weight loss systems on the market!

Our 16 week program is designed to help you make important changes to your eating habits and lifestyle choices, so you can finally improve your health, get the body you want, and either eliminate, or reduce the amount of medication required to keep you healthy.

The Doctors at Scottsdale Endocrinology are committed to now take part in the diet challenges you’ve been facing for years and focus on empowering you into getting in the best shape of your life – for the rest of your life.

We’ve partnered with Isagenix to offer an advanced service so that YOU have the best tools available to you, to ensure your success! They have been doing this successfully for over 15 years, and have transformed thousands of lives. We believe this is the system for you when coached by our great team of physicians.


We get it!!

Maybe it was the paleo diet, keto diet, lemon water & cayenne for a few days, or cabbage soup for a week. We as coaches have certainly tried many of these diets too! And we think that we can all agree that many of these diets just don’t work.

So it begs the question: Why do these diets fail in the first place? Well, these diets don’t address the underlining issue: our habits. Your habits and behaviors are profoundly affected by your lifestyle, your emotions, your job, your family, and even how much sleep you get. These habits are automatic. You don’t think about them, you just react to the situation and go. Even if you know what to eat and how to exercise, sometimes the other things in life come first. Unlike other weight loss or fitness programs, Scottsdale Endocrinology’s 16 Week Weight-loss Clinic isn’t a quick fix diet plan. We acknowledge that most people need support to make it happen.

Based on YOUR individual goals, we help you find the best system to help you achieve the results you want. No matter if you’re looking to lose weight, increase energy, improve your sleep patterns, or ultimately remove or reduce your daily medication levels, we have a system specifically designed to help you meet those goals.


Everyone who enters our 16 Week Weight-loss Clinic will have the choice to be entered into the Isagenix “16 Week IsaBody Challenge”.

So how does the IsaBody Challenge work?

Just by entering and completing the “16 Week IsaBody Challenge”, you will be awarded a $200 voucher to use on the favorite products of your choice. Although a grand prize winner will be chosen at the end of the challenge, which could be YOU, you don’t have to be the overall winner to receive your $200 voucher! In our experience, big, inspiring goals are much easier to achieve when something big is at stake and we believe everyone deserves a reward for their efforts!

How much will it cost?

This all depends on you and your personal goals. On average, our systems range from $10 to $20 a day, which is a meal replacement for what you were already spending on those meals, so you’ll experience a reduction in your average grocery bill.. You’ll finally get the body you want, and you’ll have the skills, tools, and habits to make your results last a lifetime.


100% Money Back Guarantee

Yes, you read that right, if you decide during your first 30 days that the system just isn’t for you, you can receive a 100% refund on the price of your system…no questions asked! That’s how confident we are in bringing you this great plan!